Pink Coffin

Created by Liz 16 years ago
Welcome to the Chris Hall Tribute Fund. Chris was diagnosed with MND in 2005 and died in 2006. He was and still is an incredible and inspirational man. The Motor Neurone Disease Association helped Chris and I so much during that year. Chris wanted to raise as much money as possible to assist the Motor Neurone Disease Association in their research into this terrible disease. Before he died the fund was already tipping over £10,000 and has grown over the past 5 years to an incredible running total of over £50,000. With many thanks to the hard work and generosity of friends, family and colleages and strangers and fundraising events ranging from guessing wedding cake weight, race nights, a ten person trek to Everest Base Camp The picture you can see is from his time as a scuba instructor in the Bahamas. Action footage of him shark feeding can be seen on "The Top Ten Shark Encounters" on the Discovery Channel. The fundraising took on the Pink Coffin theme as Chris insisted on being cremated in a bright pink coffin. He wanted to make a statement and certainly did that in style. I had called it a day with fundraising but many many many of you have asked if Andy and I are running the Great North Run for a particular charity. It is in 2 weeks time and we are training hard. At first I thought I could not ask again for more sponsorship but a lot of you have pointed out that you did not know me when I did the earlier events... So now is your chance to sponsor a PINK COFFIN event. Please go to the MND Association webiste through the Donate Now link and PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SAY THE TRIBUTE FUND NAME AS CHRIS HALL so your donation is added to this site. THANKS EVERYONE and wish us luck on the Great Geordie Run!!! Liz x and Andy x